Alex's Google Scholar profile


Brewis, A., K. Knudson, C. Stojanowski, C. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Wutich. 2024. The Human Story: An Introduction to Anthropology. WW Norton.

StrutzSreetharan, S., A. Brewis, J. Hardin, S. Trainer, and A. Wutich. 2021. Fat in Four Cultures: A Global Ethnography of WeightUniversity of Toronto Press.

Trainer, S., A Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2021. Extreme Weight Loss: Before and After Bariatric Surgery. NYU Press.

Brewis, A, and A. Wutich. 2019. Lazy, Crazy, and Disgusting: Stigma and the Undoing of Global Health. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore. (Winner of the Carol R Ember Book Prize and the Human Biology Association Book Award.)

Anderson-Fye, E. and A. Brewis (eds) 2017.  Fat Planet: Obesity, Culture, and Symbolic Body Capital. SAR Press and University of New Mexico Press.

Brewis, A. 2011. Obesity: Cultural and Biocultural Perspectives. Rutgers University Press.

Cambie, C., and A. Brewis. 1997. Anti-fertility Plants of the Pacific.  CSIRO Press: Melbourne.

Brewis, A. 1996.  Lives on the Line: Women and Ecology on a Pacific Atoll.  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: Fort Worth.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters  Please email me directly for copies

Jankovic-Rankovic, J., A. Roque, A. Rosinger, E. Adams, A. Pearson, H. Lloréns, C. Garcia-Quijano, J. Stoler, L. Harris, A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2024. Water sharing: Implications for disaster relief and water policy. Water Security 23:100178.

Choudhury, N., A. Brewis, R Schuster, and A. Wutich. 2024. Beyond WASH: Testing additional connections between household water insecurity and child nutrition outcomes in multi-country contexts.  Ecology of Food and Nutrition63(4), 435–468.

Nyirenda. V., A. Brewis, R. Schuster, C. Gegenheimer, and M. Lacy. 2024. Identifying shared norms across potentially conflicted groups as a strategy for sustainable programming: Wildlife crime law enforcement versus local community actors in Zambia’s protected areas. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 7: 100250.

Negrón, R., A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, A. BrewisA. Ruth, K. Mayfour, B. Piperata, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, P. Mahdavi, J. Hardin, R. Zarger, K. Harper, J. Holland Jones, C.C. Gravlee, B. Brayboy. 2024. Ethnographic methods training norms and practices and the future of American Anthropology. American Anthropologist 126(3): 458-469.

Brewis, A., and S. Trainer. 2024. No ‘easy’ weight loss: Don’t overlook the social cost of anti-obesity drugs. Nature Communications*626: 258-260 [*editor reviewed].

Roba, AR, A. Brewis, Ö. Başdaş and KT Roba. 2024. Maternal and household factors affecting the dietary diversity of preschool children in Eastern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 14:e080616.

Nébié, E.I., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, Y. Pérenne, K. Magassa, and S. Ouédraogo. 2024. Why livelihoods matter in the gendering of household water insecurity. Water, Climate, and Society,

Staddon, C., and A. Brewis. 2024. Household water containers: Mitigating risks for improved Modular, Adaptive, and Decentralized (MAD) water systems. Water Security 21: 100163.

Brewis, A. & A. Ruth. 2023.  Art-based Methods for Qualitative Research with Younger Children. In The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors, edited by A. Ruth, A. Wutich, and H.R. Bernard, pp. 190-193. Oxford, England: Routledge.

Ulian, M., R. Unsain, R. Rocha Franco, M. Santo, A. Brewis, S. Trainer, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich, B. Gualano, and F. Scagliusi. 2023. More than meets the eye: A qualitative investigation of the complex weight history constructions of Brazilian women who underwent bariatric surgery. Journal of Psychological Research 5 (4): 50-67.

Ruth, A., K. Mayfour, J. Hardin, T. Sangaramoorthy, A. Wutich, HR. Bernard, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, B. Brayboy, HJF. Dengah II, C. Gravlee, G. Guest, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, SM. Mattison, M. Moritz, R. Negrón, BA. Piperata, JG. Snodgrass and R. Zarger. 2023. Teaching ethnographic methods: The state of the art. Human Organization 81 (4): 401–412.

Ruth A., A. Brewis, M. Beresford, M.E. Smith, C.M. Stojanowski, C. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Wutich. 2023. Lab-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (LUREs): Evidence of effectiveness from the social sciences. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 7(1): 43-53.

SturtzSreetharan, C., M. Ghorbani, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2023. Deny, reassure, and deflect: Global forms (and norms) of women’s fat talk. Cross Cultural Research

Roque, A., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, L. Landes, O. Morales-Pate, R. Lucero, W. Jepson, Y. Tsai, Yushiou, M. Hanemann, and the Water Equity Consortium. 2023. Community-based participant-observation (CBPO): Basic tenets and an example. Field Methods 36(2),

Feye, D., T. Gobena, A. Brewis, and KT Roba. 2023. Adolescent breakfast skipping is associated with poorer academic performance: A school-based study from Hidhabu Abote District, Ethiopia. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition 42:79.

Roque, A, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, A. Wutich, W. Jepson, H Lloréns, and C. García-Quijano. 2023. Water sharing as disaster response in Puerto Rico: Coping with water insecurity in the aftermath of Hurricane María. Human Organization 82 (3): 248–260.

Brewis, A, L.Z. Dubois, A. Wutich, E.A. Adams, S. Dickin, S.J. Elliott, V.L. Epinotti, L. Harris, E. Ilboudo Nébié, and M. Korzenevica. 2023. Gender identities, water insecurity, and risk: Re-theorizing the connections for a gender-inclusive toolkit for water insecurity research. WIRES Water, 10.1002/wat2.1685.

Brewis. A., N. Choudhary, and A. Wutich. 2023. Men’s water collection in India: Testing hypotheses of (in)equity and gendered risks. American Journal of Human Biology

Ulian, M, R. Unsain, R. Franco, M. Santo, A. Brewis, S. Trainer, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich, B. Gualano, and F. Scagliusi.  2023. Weight stigma after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study with Brazilian women. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0287822.

Schuster, R., A. Wutich. K. Wachter, A. Brewis, C. SturtzSreetharan, and G. Boateng. 2023. Design for longitudinal cross-cultural mixed methods research. International Journal of Behavioral Development (supplement) 43(7):6-9.

Choudhary, N., C. SturtzSreetharan, S. Trainer, A Brewis, A Wutich, K Clancy, U Fatima, and MJ Hossain. 2023. Managing menstruation with dignity: Worries, stress, and mental health in two water-scarce urban communities in India. Global Public Health 18(1): 2233996.doi: 10.1080/17441692.2023.2233996.

Rhue, S. J., Torrico, G., Amuzie, C., Collins, S. M., Lemaitre A., Workman, C. L., Rosinger A. Y., Pearson, A. L., Piperata, B. A., Wutich, A. Brewis, A., & Stoler, J. 2023. The effects of household water insecurity on child health and well-being. WIREs Water 10.1002/wat2.1666.

Stoler, J., W. Jepson, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2023. Frontiers of household water insecurity metrics: Severity, adaptation and resilience. BMJ Global Health 8:e011756.

Quimby, B., A. Roque, E Ilboudo Nébié. A. Levine, S. Akeli Amaama, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and E. Sameulu. 2023. Blue food sovereignty benefits social-ecological resilience: A case study of small-scale fisheries comanagement and mariculture in Samoa. Human Ecology 10.1007/s10745-023-00401-4

Roba, KT, A. Brewis, M. Manning, and JY Hassan. 2023. Parental khat use and early childhood growth status in Eastern Ethiopia. Nutrition and Health 10.1177/02601060221148898.

Snodgrass, J., A. Brewis, H.J.F. Dengah II, W.W. Dressler, B.N. Kaiser, B. Kohrt, E.
Mendenhall, S. Sagstetter, L.J. Weaver, and K. X. Zhao. 2023. Ethnographic methods for identifying cultural concepts of distress: Developing reliable and valid measures. Field Methods 5(3), 175-197.

Schuster, R., A. Brewis, C. Safi, A. Wutich, C. SturtzSreetharan, T. Eligido, G. Bowen, and P. Ochandarena. 2023. Individual interviews versus focus groups for evaluations of international development programs: Systematic testing of method performance to elicit sensitive information in a justice study in Haiti. Evaluation and Program Planning 97: 102208. DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.10220

Shah, S., V. Shah, S.H., Harris, L.M., Menghwani, V., Stoler, J., Brewis, A., Miller, J.D., Workman, C.L., Adams, E.A., Pearson, A.L., Hagaman, A., Wutich, A., Young, S.L. and HWISE-RCN. 2023. Variations in household water affordability and water insecurity: An intersectional perspective from 18 low- and middle-income countries. Environment and Planning F, 26349825231156900

Ford, L. H. Bethancourt, Z. Swanson, R. Nzunza, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, S. Young, A. Almeida, M. Douglass, EK Ndiema, DR Braun, H. Pontzer, and A. Rosinger, inter alia. 2023. Water insecurity, water borrowing, and psychosocial stress among Daasanach pastoralists. Water International, 48:1, 63-86. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2022.2138050

Roba, KT, A. Brewis, M. Manning, and JY Hassan. 2023. Parental khat use and early childhood growth status in Eastern Ethiopia. Nutrition and Health 10.1177/02601060221148898.

Tabar, Mir Mohamad SA., A Brewis, and M. Sohrabi. 2022. Status, social norms, or safety? Understanding intended and reported bottled water use in urban Mashhad, Iran. Journal of Water and Health, 10.2166/wh.2022.319.

Snodgrass, J., A. Brewis, H.J.F. Dengah II, W.W. Dressler, B.N. Kaiser, B. Kohrt, E. Mendenhall, S. Sagstetter, L.J. Weaver, and K. X. Zhao. 2022. Ethnographic methods for identifying cultural concepts of distress: Developing reliable and valid measures. Field Methods

Schuster RC, Wutich A, Brewis A, SturtzSreetharan C. 2022. Ethnographic methods in cross-cultural research. In: Pranee Liamputtong (ed.),Handbook of Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research: A Social Science Perspective. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 273-289.

Choudhary, N., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, M. Beresford, and C. Workman. 2022. Water, economic systems, and mental health: A review of theorized relationships. CABI Reviews 20221704 

Zheng, M., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and S. Kavouras. 2022. Health impacts of water and sanitation insecurity in the Global North: A scoping literature review for US colonias on the Mexico border. Journal of Water and Health 20(9), 1329-1342.

Ruth, A., A. Brewis, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich, and C. Stojanowski. 2022. Effectiveness of online social science UREs: Exploratory evidence. Frontiers in Education 7: 849908.

Mao, F., J. Miller, SL. Young, S. Krause, D. Hannah, and HWISE Research Coordination Network.* 2022. Inequality of household water security follows a Development Kuznets Curve. Nature Communications, 13, 45. *Authorship credit as consortium member.

du Bray, M., R. Stotts; A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2022/23. Cross-cultural perceptions of (in)equity in ecosystem service access: A preliminary comparison of emergent themes in four sites. Human Ecology,

Tefera, M., N. Assefa,  L. Gedefa, K.T. Roba, R. Schuster, and A. Brewis. 2022. Women's hospital birth experiences in Harar, Eastern Ethiopia: A qualitative study using Roy’s Adaptation Model. BMJ Open  12(7):e055250. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055250.

Nugusse, A., H.  Mitiku, TB  Raru, M. Abdurke, J. Yousuf, A Brewis, and KT Roba. 2022.  Correlates of undernutrition of children (aged 5 to 14 years) in Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia. Human Nutrition and Metabolism 29: 200157.

du Bray, M., B. Quimby, JC. Bausch, A. Wutich, S. Porter, W. Eaton, K. Brasier, A. Brewis, and C.  Williams. 2022. Red, white, and blue: Environmental worries among water stakeholders in a U.S. farming community. Weather, Climate and Society 14(2): 587-97.

Stoler, J., A. Person, A. Rosinger, R. Bombardi, A Brewis, B. Keogh, A. Lee, D Lopez-Carr, CH Shrader, C. Stauber, A. Sullivan, E. Stevenson, and R. Tutu. 2022. The role of water in environmental migration.

Beresford, M., A. Wutich, M. DuBray, A. Ruth, R. Stotts, C. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Brewis. 2022. Coding qualitative data at scale: Guidance for large coder teams based on 18 studies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods

SturtzSreetharan CL, A. Ruth, A. Wutich, M. Glegziabher, C. Mitchell, HR Bernard, and A. Brewis. 2022. Citizen social scientists’ observations on complex tasks match trained research assistants, suggesting lived experiences are valuable in data collection. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 6(1): 1-15. DOI: 10.5334/cstp.449

Wutich, A. A. Rosinger, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, S. Young and the HWISE Consortium. 2022. Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger & conflict in 20 cross-cultural sites. Amerian Anthropologist

Mitchell, C., E. Ore, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and O. Davis. 2022. Sister-girl talk: A community-based method for group interviewing and analysis. Field Methods 34(2) 181–188.

Ruth, A., K. Woolard, T. Sangaramoorthy, BMKJ. Brayboy, M. Beresford, A. Brewis, HR. Bernard, M. Glegziabher, J. Hardin, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, JG. Snodgrass, C. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Wutich. 2022. Teaching ethnographic methods for cultural anthropology: Current practices and needed innovation. Teaching Anthropology, 11(2): 59-72.

Trainer, T., C. StrutzSreetharan, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and J. Hardin. 2022. Fat is all my fault: Globalized metathemes of body self-blame. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 10.1111/maq.12687.

Roque, A., A. Wutich, B. Quimby, S. Porter, M. Zheng, MJ Hossain, and A. Brewis. 2022. Participatory approaches in water research: A review. WIRES Water e1577.

Brewis, A., B.A. Piperata, H.J.F Dengah II, W. Dressler, M.A. Liebert, S. Mattison, R. Negrón, R. Nelson, K.O. Oths, J.G. Snodgrass, S. Tanner, Z. Thayer, K. Wander, and C. Gravlee. 2021. Biocultural strategies for measuring psychosocial stress outcomes in field-based research. Field Methods 34 (4): 315–334.

Roque A., B. Quimby B., A. Brewis A., and A. Wutich. 2021. Building social capital in low-income communities for resilience. In: Brears R.C. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

SturtzSreetharan, C., S. Trainer, and A. Brewis. 2021. The harm inflicted by polite concern: Language, fat, and stigma. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry

Roque, A., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, C. Garcia-Quijano, H. Llorens, and W. Jepson. 2021. Autogestión and water sharing networks in Puerto Rico after Hurricane María. Water International DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2021.1960103

Brewis, A., KT. Robas, M. Manning, A. Wutich, and J. Yousuf. 2021. Household water insecurity and psychological distress in Eastern Ethiopia: Unfairness and water sharing as undertheorized factors. SSM – Mental Health 1:1000008.

Maupin, J., J Hackman, and A. Brewis. 2021. Body norms and normative bodies in Highland Guatemala. American Journal of Human Biology

SturtzSreetharan, C., S. Trainer, and A. Brewis. 2021. The harm inflicted by polite concern: Language, fat, and stigma. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry

Roque, A., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, C. Garcia-Quijano, H. Llorens, and W. Jepson. 2021. Autogestión and water sharing networks in Puerto Rico after Hurricane María. Water International DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2021.1960103

Choudhary, N., R. Schuster, A. Brewis, and A Wutich. 2021. Household water insecurity affects child nutrition through alternative pathways to WASH: Evidence from India. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 42(2): 170-187.

Brewis, A., KT. Robas, M. Manning, A. Wutich, and J. Yousuf. 2021. Household water insecurity and psychological distress in Eastern Ethiopia: Unfairness and water sharing as undertheorized factors.  SSM – Mental Health

Wutich, A., W. Jepson, J. Stoler, P. Thompson, M. Kooy, A. Brewis, C. Staddon and K. Meehan. 2021. A global agenda for household water security: Measuring, monitoring, and managing. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWA),

Wutich, A., Beresford, M., SturtzSreetharan, C., Brewis, A., Trainer, S., & Hardin, J. (2021). Metatheme analysis: A qualitative method for cross-cultural research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20:1-11.

Brewis, A., K. Meehan, M. Beresford, and A. Wutich. 2021. Anticipating elite capture: The social devaluation of municipal tap water in metropolitan Phoenix. Water International 10.1080/02508060.2021.1898765

Ruth, A., A. Brewis & C. SturtzSreetharan. 2021. Effectiveness of social science research opportunities: A Study of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). Teaching in Higher Education. 10.1080/13562517.2021.1903853

Stoler, J., A. Brewis, J. Kangmennang, SB Keough, A. Pearson, A. Rosinger, C. Stauber, and E Stevenson.  2021. Connecting the dots between climate change, water insecurity, and migration. Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability 51: 36-41.

Stoler, J., J. Miller, A. Brewis,  M. Freeman, L. Harris, W. Jepson, A. Pearson, A. Rosinger, S. Shah, C. Staddon, C. Workman, A. Wutich, S. Young, and the Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network (HWISE RCN). 2021. Household water insecurity will complicate the ongoing COVID-19 response: Evidence from 29 sites in 23 low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health,

Young, S., J. Miller, E. Frangillo, G. Boateng, Z. Jamaluddine, T Neilands, on behalf of the HWISE Research Coordination Network.* 2020. Validity of a four-item Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale (HWISE-4) for assessing water issues related to health. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, *Authorship credit as consortium member.

Workman, C., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, S. Young, J. Stoler, and J. Kearns. 2020. Understanding biopsychosocial health outcomes of syndemic water and food insecurity: Applications for global health. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, doi:10.4269/ajtmh.20-0513.

Venkataramanan, V., J. Geere, B. Thomae, J Stoler, P Hunter, S. Young, & HWISE-RCN.* 2020. In pursuit of “safe” water: The burden of personal injury from water-fetching in 21 low- and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health e003328. *Authorship credit as consortium member

Meehan, K., W. Jepson, L. Harris, A. Wutich, M. Beresford, A. Fencl, J. London, G. Pierce, L. Radonic, C. Wells, N. Wilson, E. Adams, R. Arsenault, A. Brewis, V. Harrington, Y. Lambrinidou, D. McGregor, R. Patrick, B. Pauli, A. Pearson, S. Sameer, D. Splichalova, C. Workman and S. Young. 2020. Exposing the myths of household water insecurity in the global North: A critical review. WIREs Water, e1486.

Bruening, M., A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2020. Food insecurity among adolescents and emerging adults. In: Y. Evans and A.D. Docter (eds), Adolescent Nutrition: Assuring the Needs of Emerging Adults, ch 9. Springer, p. 269-86.

Scagliusi, F., M. Ulian, B. Gualano, O. Roble, R. Unsain, P. de Morais Sato, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2020. “Before I saw a gas canister, now I see a person”: Testing post-intervention qualitative differences in body acceptance and weight stigma among Brazilian gorda women. Human Organization 79(3): 176-191.

Rosinger, A., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, W. Jepson, C. Staddon, J. Stoler, S. Young and HWISE Research Coordination Network. 2020. Water borrowing is consistently practiced globally and is associated with water-related system failures across diverse environments. Global Environmental Change, 64: 102148.

Brewis, A., A. Wutich, and P. Mahdavi. 2020. Stigma, pandemics, and human biology: Looking back, looking forward. American Journal of Human Biology, 23480.

Brewis, A., A. Wutich, M. Galvin, and J. Lachaud. 2020. Localizing syndemics: A Comparative study of hunger, stigma, suffering, and crime exposure in three Haitian communities. Social Science and Medicine, 113031.

Wutich, A., A. Brewis, and A. Tsai. 2020. Water and mental health. WIRES Water, 10.1002/wat2.1461.

Trainer, S., J. Hardin, C. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Brewis. 2020. Worry-nostalgia: Anxieties around the fading of local cuisines and foodways. Gastronomica, 10.1525/gfc.2020.20.2.67

Choudhary, N., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, and P. Bhashan Udas. 2020. Sub-optimal household water access is associated with greater risk of intimate partner violence against women: Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Water and Health,

Brewis, A., A. Wutich, B. Piperata, and A Thompson. 2020. Localizing resource insecurities: A biocultural perspective on water and wellbeing. WIREs Water, e1440.

van Woerden, I., A. Brewis, D. Hruschka, G. Dunton, M. Adams and M. Breuning. 2020 Changes in young adults’ romantic relationship status and BMI during the first semester of college. PLOS One, 0230806

Gartin, M., K.L. Larson, A. Brewis, R. Stotts, A. Wutich, D. White, and M. du Bray. 2020. Climate change as an involuntary exposure: A comparative risk perception study from six countries across the global development gradient. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6): 1894.

To, S., A. Brewis, A. Pomer, T. Naseri, M. Reupena, S. McGarvey, and N. Hawley. 2020 Changing body norms in the context of increasing body size: Samoa in 1995 and 2018. American Journal of Human Biology, e23395.

Stoler, J., A. Pearson, C. Staddon, A. Wutich, E. Mack, A. Brewis, A. Rosinger, and the HWISE-RCN. 2020. Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low- and middle-income countries. Science of the Total Environment, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135881

Swami, V.… A. Brewis… et alia. 2020. The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS): Breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations. Body Image, 2020.01.006

Ruth, A., C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis & A. Wutich. 2020. Structural competency of pre-health students: Can a single coourse lead to meaningful change? Medical Science Educators40670-019-00909-9

Choudhary, N., R Schuster, A. Brewis, and A Wutich. 2020. Water insecurity potentially undermines dietary diversity of children aged 6-23 months through multiple mechanisms: Evidence from India. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 12929

Rosinger, A., and A. Brewis 2020. Life and death: Toward a human biology of water. American Journal of Human Biology, e23361.

Wutich, A., A. Rosinger, S. Stoler, W. Jepson, and A. Brewis. 2020. Measuring human water needs. American Journal of Human Biology,

Wutich A., A. Rosinger, S. Stoler, W. Jepson, and A. Brewis. 2020. Measuring human water needs. American Journal of Human Biology,

Brewis, A., C. Workman, A. Wutich, W. Jepson, S. Young, and the HWISE-RCN. 2020. Household water insecurity is strongly associated with food insecurity: Evidence from 27 sites in low- and middle-income countries. American Journal of Human Biology

Brewis, A., and A Wutich. 2019. Why we should never do it: Stigma as a behavior change tool in global healthBMJ Global Health

Wutich, A., A. Rosinger, S. Stoler, W. Jepson, and A. Brewis. 2020. Measuring human water needs.

SchusterR., A. Brewis, P. Ochandarena, A. Abdelmonem, S. Hoso, and K. Faqeeh. 2019/20. New approaches to assessing community norms around women’s rights: A study of gendered and other sub-cultural models of gender-based violence in the Palestinian West Bank. Social Science and Medicine — Population Health

Brewis, A., and A Wutich. 2019. Why we should never do it: Stigma as a behavior change tool in global healthBMJ Global Health

Lachaud, J., D. Hruschka, B. Kaiser, and A. Brewis. 2019. Agricultural wealth better predicts mental wellbeing than market wealth among highly vulnerable households in Haiti: Evidence for the benefits of a multidimensional approach to poverty. American Journal of Human Biology.

Brewis, A., N. Choudhary, and A. Wutich. 2019. Household water insecurity influences common mental disorders directly, and indirectly via multiple pathways: Evidence from Haiti. Social Science and Medicine 238: 112520

Brewis, A., and A Wutich. 2019. Stigma: A biocultural proposal for integrating evolutionary and political economic approaches.American Journal of Human Biology,

Young, S., inter alia, and the HWISE consortium*. 2019. The Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: Development and validation of a household water insecurity measure for low- and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001750. *Authorship credit as a consortium member.

Stotts, R., J. Rice, A. Brewis, A. Wutich, J. Maupin, and D. White. 2019. Water, technology, and pollution: Cross-cultural knowledge and acceptance of wastewater reclamation and reuse processes across select sites. Human Organization, 78(4):311-324. 10.17730/0018-7259.78.4.311

Rodriguez Incolligno A., C. Dunkel Schetter, A. Brewis, and A.J. Tomiyama. 2019. The psychological burden of baby weight: Pregnancy, weight stigma, and maternal stress. Social Science and Medicine

SturtzSreetharan, C., G. Agostini, A. Wutich, C. Mitchell, O. Rines, B. Romanello, and A. Brewis. 2019. “I need to lose some weight”: Masculinity and body image as negotiated through fat talk. Psychology of Men and Masculinity

Agostini, G., C. SturzSreetharan, A. Wutich, D. Williams, and A. Brewis. 2019. Citizen sociolinguists and fat talk: A novel method to capture elusive linguistic data in the social sciences. PLOS One

SturtzSreetharan, C., G. Agostini, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2019/20. Fat talk: A citizen sociolinguistic approach. Journal of Sociolinguistics

Brewis, A., N. Choudhury, and A. Wutich. 2019. Low water access as a gendered physiological stressor: Blood pressure evidence from Nepal. American Journal of Human Biology

Wutich, A., and A. Brewis. 2019. Data collection in cross-cultural ethnographic research. Field Methods,31 (2): 181-89.

Ruth, A., J. Hackman, A. Brewis, T. Spence, R. Luchmun, J.Velez, and T. Ganesh. 2019.  Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) High: Student gains from human-centered design curriculum. Education Reports

SturtzSreetharan, C., and A. Brewis. 2019. Rice, men, and other everyday anxieties: Navigating obesogenic urban food environments in Osaka, Japan. In: Vojnovic, I., A. Pearson, A. Gershim, G. Deverteuil and A. Allen (eds), Handbook of Global Urban Health. Routledge. Link.

Brewis, A., A. Rosinger, A. Wutich, E. Adams, L. Cronk, A. Pearson, C. Workman, S. Young, and HWISE-RCN. 2019. Water Sharing, reciprocity, and need: A comparative study of inter-household water transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic Anthropology.

Ruth, A., A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2019. Innovation in research instruction: The Global Ethnohydrology Study. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 37(1): 25-34. Link.

Brewis, A., A. Wutich, M. DuBray, R. Schuster, J. Maupin, and M. Gervais. 2019. Community hygiene norm violators are consistently stigmatized: Evidence from four global sites and implications for sanitation interventions. Social Science and Medicine 220:12-21.

Young, S., S. Collins, G. Boateng, T. Neilands, Z. Jamaluddina, J. Miller, A. Brewis, E. Frangillo, W. Jepson, H. Melgar-Quinonez, R. Schuster, J. Stoler, A. Wutich, on behalf of the HWISE Consortium. 2019. A protocol for the development and validation of an instrument to measure household water insecurity across cultures and ecologies: the Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) scale. BMJ Open,  10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023558

DuBray, M., R. Stotts, M. Beresford, A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2019. Do ecosystem services valuation reflect local cultural valuations? Comparative analysis of resident perspectives in four major urban river ecosystems. Economic Anthropology, 6: (1), 21-33.

Stoler, J., A. Brewis, L. Harris, A. Wutich, A. Pearson, A. Rosinger, R. Schuster, and S. Young. 2018. Household water sharing: A missing link in international health. International Health, ihy094.

Bruening, M.,  I. van Woerden, D. Schaefer, D. Hruschka, A. Brewis, A. Whisner, Dunton, M. Todd, P. Ohri-Vachaspati, and M. Laska. 2018. Friendship as a social mechanism influencing body mass index (BMI) among college freshmen. PLOS One

Wutich, A., J. Budds, W. Jepson, L. Harris, E. Adams, A. Brewis, L. Cronk, C. DeMyers, K. Maes, T. Marley, J. Miller, A. Pearson, A. Rosinger, R. Schuster, J. Stoler, C. Staddon, P. Wiessner, C. Workman, SL. Young. 2018. Household water sharing: A review of water gifts, exchanges, and transfers across cultures. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Water.

Rice, J., R. Stotts, A. Wutich, D. White, J. Maupin, and A. Brewis. 2018. Motivators for treated wastewater acceptance across developed and developing contexts. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

Ruth, A., A. Brewis, D. Blascoe, and A. Wutich. 2018. Long-term benefits of short term research-integrated study abroad. Journal of Studies in International Education

SturtzSreetharan, C., S. Trainer, A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2018. Moral biocitizenship: Discursively managing food and the body after bariatric surgery. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28(2): 221-240.

Tomiyama, J., D. Carr, E. Granberg, B. Major, E. Robinson, A. Sutin, and A. Brewis. 2018. How and why weight stigma drives the obesity epidemic. BMC Medicine 16:123.

Brewis, A., and A. Wutich. 2018. Stigma. In: Hilary Callan (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell.

Hardin, J., A. McLennan, and A. Brewis. 2018. Body size, body norms, and some unintended consequences of obesity intervention in the Pacific Islands. Annals of Human Biology 45 (3): 285-94.

Sullivan, A., A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2018. Studying children’s cultural knowledge and behaviors related to environment, health, and food: Methods for ethnoecological research with children. Journal of Ethnobiology 38(2): 276 293.

Han, SY, G. Agostini, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2018. Avoiding exercise mediates the effects of internalized weight stigma on physical activity in the years following bariatric surgery. BMC Obesity

Brewis, A. and M. Bruening. 2018.Weight shame, social connection, and depression symptoms in late adolescence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (5): 891.

DuBray, M., A. Wutich, K. Larson, D. White, A. Brewis. 2018. Anger and sadness: Emotional geographies of climate threats in four island nations. Cross-Cultural Research

Wutich, A., and A. Brewis. 2018. Water, worry, and mental health. In: P. Brown and S. Closser (eds), Foundations in Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Reader, Oxford University Press, ch 15. Link.

Han, SY, A., C SturzSreetharan, and A. Brewis. 2018. Employment and weight: The extreme case of South Korea. Economics and Human Biology 29:115–12.

Brewis, A., C SturtzSreetharan, and A. Wutich. 2018. Obesity stigma as a globalizing health challenge. Globalization and Health 14:20.

Schuster, R., SY Han, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2018. Increasing overweight and obesity erodes engagement in one’s own neighborhood by women, but not men. Preventative Medicine Reports 10:144-49.

Han, SY, and A. Brewis.  2018. Influence of weight concerns on breastfeeding: Evidence from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. American Journal of Human Biology

Du Bray, M., A. Wutich, K. Larson, D. White, and A. Brewis. 2017. Emotion, coping, and climate change in island nations: Implications for environmental justice. Environmental Justice 10(4):102-107.

Trainer, S., A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2017. Obesity, depression, and weight-related stigma syndemics. In:  Shir Lerman, Bayla Ostrach, and Merrill Singer (eds), Foundations of BioSocial Health: Stigma & Illness Interactions. Lexington Press. Link.

Kurtz, L. S. Trainer, S., M. Beresford, A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2017. Blogs as elusive ethnographic texts: Methodological and ethical challenges in qualitative online research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 16:1-12.

Brewis, A. 2017. Understanding the new globalizing body norms. In: E. Anderson-Fye and A. Brewis (eds).  Fat Planet: Obesity, Culture, and Symbolic Body Capital. SAR Press and University of New Mexico Press. Link.

Trainer, S, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2017. Not “taking the easy way out”: Reframing bariatric surgery as hard work. Anthropology and Medicine 24(1): 96-110.

Brewis, A., SY. Han, and C. SturtzSreetharan. 2017. Weight, gender, and depressive symptoms in South Korea. American Journal of Human Biology 29(4): e22972.

Du Bray, M., A. Wutich, R. Stotts, and A. Brewis. 2017. Hope and worry: Gendered emotional geographies of climate change in three vulnerable US communities. Weather, Climate, Society 9(2): 285-297.

Brewis, A. S. Trainer, SY Han, and A Wutich. 2017. Publically misfitting: Extreme weight and the everyday production and reinforcement of felt stigma. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 31: 257–276.

Trainer, S, A. Wutich, and A. Brewis. 2017. Eating in the panopticon: Surveillance before and after bariatric surgery. Medical Anthropology36(5):500-514.

Brewis, A., M. Bruening, I.van Woerden and S. Nelson. 2016. Weight stigma and eating behaviors on a college campus: Are students immune to stigma’s effects? Preventive Medicine Reports 4:578-84.

Bruening, M., P. Ohri-Vachaspati, A. Brewis, M. Laska, M. Todd, D. Hruschka, D. Schaefer, C. Whisner, and G. Dunton.  2016. Identifying mechanisms and contextual factors by which social networks impact weight and weight-related behaviors with mobile-based ecological momentary assessments: SPARC protocols. BMC Public Health 16:901.

Raves, D., A. Brewis, SY. Han, S. Trainer, and A. Wutich. 2016. Bariatric surgery patients’ perceptions of weight-related stigma in healthcare settings impair post-surgery dietary adherence. Frontiers in Psychology 7:1-13, article 1497.

Ruth, A., A. Wutich and A. Brewis. 2016. Integrating global health undergraduates in collaborative research: The Global Ethnohydrology Study. Practicing Anthropology 38 (4): 16-18. Link.

Han, SY, A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2016. Body image mediates the depressive effects of weight gain in new mothers, particularly for women already obese: Evidence from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. BMC Public Health 16(1):664.

Hackman, J., J. Maupin, and A. Brewis. 2016. Weight-related stigma is a significant psychosocial stressor in lower income countries: Evidence from Guatemala. Social Science and Medicine 161:55-60.

Trainer, S., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, L. Kurtz, and M. Niesluchowski. 2016. The fat self in virtual communities: Success and failure in weight-loss blogging. Current Anthropology 57(4):523-28.

Larson, K., A. Wutich, D. White, R. Stotts, and A. Brewis. 2016. Cross-cultural perceptions of water risks and solutions across select sites. Society & Natural Resources 29(9): 1049-64.

Williams, D, A. Brewis, S. Trainer, and J. Rosales Chavez. 2015. Fat by any other name: College students preferred clinical terminology. In: Chad Morris (ed.), The Applied Anthropology of Obesity: Prevention, Intervention, and Identity. Lexington Books, pp 151-162. Link.

Trainer, S., A. Brewis, and A. Wutich. 2015. Considering weight-loss surgery: Applied anthropology and the invisible obese body. In: Chad Morris (ed.), The Applied Anthropology of Obesity: Prevention, Intervention, and Identity. Lexington Books, pp 141-150. Link.

Brewis, A. 2015. Expanding bodies in a shrinking world: Anthropological perspectives on the global “obesity epidemic.” In P. Brown and S. Closser (eds.), Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology, 3rd edition. Left Coast Press, pp 400-407. ps://

Williams, D. and A. Brewis. 2015. Obesity. In: Hank ten Have (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics. Springer. Link.

Trainer, S., A. Brewis, D. Williams, and J. Rosales Chavez. 2015. Obese, fat, or “just big”? Young adult deployment of and reaction to weight terms. Human Organization 74 (3): 266-275.

Brewis, A., A Wutich, and D. Williams. 2015. Teaching obesity: Stigma, structure, and self. In: R. Wilk and C. Swift (eds), Teaching Food and Culture, chapter 3. Left Coast Press, pp 35-48. Link.

Brewis, A., and A. Wutich. 2015. A world of suffering? Fat stigma in the global contexts of the obesity epidemic. In: T. Leatherman (ed), Critical Biocultural Approaches to Health Disparities. Special issue of Annals of Anthropological Practice 38: 271-285. Selected for republication in Open Anthropology vol 4 (2), issue on Food Anthropology, 2016.

Hruschka, D., C. Hadley, A Brewis, and C. Stojanowski. 2015. Genetic population structure accounts for contemporary ecogeographic patterns in tropic and subtropic-dwelling humans. PLOS One 10(3) e0122301.

Wutich, A., A. Brewis and J. Rosales Chavez. 2015. Water, worry, and Doña Paloma:  Why water security is fundamental to global mental health. In: E. Mendenhall and B. Kordt (eds), Global Mental Health: An Anthropological Reader. Left Coast Press, pp. 57-71. Link.

Brewis, A. 2015. Obesity. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. Elsevier. Link.

Trainer, S., D. Hruschka, D. Williams, and A. Brewis. 2015. Translating obesity: Navigating the front lines of the ‘war on fat’. American Journal of Human Biology 27(1): 61-68.

Brewis, A., and J. McKenna. 2015. Translating human biology (Introduction to a special issue). American Journal of Human Biology 27(1):1-5.

Wuitch, A., A Brewis, A. Ruth, and C. Boone. 2014. Social bonds, stigmatized neighborhoods, and health. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 28 (4): 556-77.

Vins, H., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, A. Ruth, M. Beresford, and C. Roberts. 2014. Children’s perceived water futures in the Southwest US. Human Organization 73 (3): 235-46.

Brewis, A. 2014. Stigma and the perpetuation of obesity. Social Science and Medicine 118: 152-158.

Wutich, A., and A. Brewis. 2014. Food, water, and scarcity: Toward a broader anthropology of resource insecurity. Current Anthropology (with CA★commentary) 55(4): 444-468.

Maupin, J., and A. Brewis. 2014. Food insecurity and body norms in Guatemalan schoolchildren. American Anthropologist 116(2): 332-337.

Wutich, A., C. Roberts, D. White, K. Larson, and A. Brewis. 2014. Hard paths, soft paths, or no paths? Cross cultural perceptions of water solutions. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 18: 109-120.

Hruschka, D., C. Hadley, and A. Brewis. 2014. Disentangling basal and accumulated body mass for cross-population comparisons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153 (4): 542-550.

Crona, B., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and M. Gartin. 2013. Perceptions of climate change: Linking local and global perceptions through cultural knowledge. Climatic Change 119(2): 519-531.

Hruschka, D., E. Rush, and A. Brewis. 2013. Population differences in the relationship between height, weight, and adiposity: An application of Burton’s model. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151: 68-76.

Wutich, A., A. Brewis, S. Sigurdsson, R. Stotts, and A. York. 2013. Fairness and the human right to water: A preliminary cross-cultural theory. The Social Life of Water in a Time of Crisis. (Ed., John Wagner). Berghahn Books, pp. 220-238. Link.

Wutich, A., A Brewis, A. York and R. Stotts. 2013. Rules, norms, and perceived injustice: A cross-cultural study of perceptions of justice in water. Society and Natural Resources 26:795-809.

Brewis, A., M. Gartin, A. Wutich, and A. Young. 2013.  Global convergence in ethnotheories of  water and disease. Global Public Health 8(1):13-36.

Hruschka, D, and A. Brewis. 2013. Absolute wealth and world region strongly predict overweight among women (ages 18-49) in 360 populations across 36 developing countries. Economics and Human Biology 11(3):337-344.

Wutich, A, A. Brewis, A. York, R. Stotts, and C. Roberts. 2012. Shared cultural norms for justice in water institutions: Results from Fiji, Ecuador, Paraguay, New Zealand, and the U.S. Journal of Environmental Management 113: 370-6.

Brewis, A. 2012. Big fat myths. In D. Dufour, A. Goodman and G. Pelto (eds), Nutritional Anthropology: Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition. Oxford University Press, pp. 463-468. Link.

Brewis, A., and A. Wutich. 2012. Implicit versus explicit fat-stigma. American Journal of Human Biology 24:332-338.

Brewis, A. 2012. Obesity and human biology: Toward a global perspective. American Journal of Human Biology 24:258-60.

Wiley, A., JS. Allen, and A. Brewis. 2012. Human biology eats: Contemporary research and future directions. American Journal of Human Biology 24:107-109.

Brewis, A., D. Hruschka, and A. Wutich. 2011. Vulnerability to fat-stigma in women’s everyday relationships. Social Science and Medicine 73:491-497.

Hruschka, D., A. Brewis, A. Wutich, and B. Morin. 2011. Shared norms provide limited explanation for the social clustering of obesity. American Journal of Public Health 101:S295-S300.

Brewis, A., A Wutich, A. Falletta-Cowden and I. Rodriguez-Soto. 2011. Body norms and fat stigma in global perspective. Current Anthropology52:269-276.

Hadley, C., A. Brewis, and I. Pike. 2010. Does less autonomy erode women’s health? Yes. No. Maybe. American Journal of Human Biology 22:103-110.

Gartin, M., A. Brewis, and N. Schwartz.  2010. Non-prescription antibiotic therapy: Cultural models on both sides of the counter and both sides of the border. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 24(1):85-107.

Brewis, A. and S. Lee 2010. Children’s work, earnings, and nutrition in urban Mexican shantytowns. American Journal of Human Biology 22 (1):60-68.

Lee, S. and A. Brewis 2009. Children’s autonomous food acquisition in Mexican shantytowns.  Ecology of Food and Nutrition 48(6): 435–456.

Cutts, B., K. Darby, C. Boone, and A. Brewis.  2009. City structure, obesity, and environmental justice: An integrated analysis of physical and social barriers to walkable streets and park access. Social Science and Medicine 69:1314-1322.

Jehn, M, and A Brewis. 2009. Paradoxical malnutrition in mother-child pairs: Untangling the phenomenon of over- and under-nutrition in underdeveloped economies. Economics and Human Biology 7:28-35

Brewis, A. and M. Meyer. 2007. Child obesity in global perspective: Emergent risks related to social status, urbanism, and poverty. In Richard K. Flamembaum (ed), Global Dimensions of Childhood Obesity.  Nova Science Publishers, pp. 51-68. Link.

Brewis, A, and M. Gartin. 2006. Biocultural constructions of obesogenic ecologies of childhood: Parental feeding versus young child eating strategies. American Journal of Human Biology 18:203-213.

Brewis, A. and M. Meyer. 2005. Demographic evidence that human ovulation is undetectable (at least in pair bonds). Current Anthropology46:465-471.

Brewis, A and M.Meyer. 2005. Marital coitus across the life course.  Journal of Biosocial Science 37: 499-518.

Brewis, A., and K. Schmidt. 2003. Gender variation in the identification of Mexican children’s psychiatric symptoms. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 17:376-393.

Brewis, A. 2003. Biocultural aspects of obesity in young Mexican schoolchildren.  American Journal of Human Biology 15:446-460.

Brewis, A., K. Schmidt, and C. Amira Sanchez. 2003. Cross-cultural study of the childhood developmental trajectory of attention and impulse control.  International Journal of Behavioral Development 27:174-181.

Brewis, A. 2002. Social and biological measures of hyperactivity and inattention: Are they measuring the same underlying constructs of child behavior? Social Biology 49:99-115.

Brewis, A., M. Meyer, and K. Schmidt.  2002. Does school, compared to home, provide a unique adaptive context for children’s ADHD-associated behaviors? A cross-cultural test. Cross-cultural Research 36 (4): 303-320.

Brewis, A., K. Schmidt, and M. Meyer.  2002. On the biocultural study of children’s hyperactive and inattentive behavior. American Anthropologist 104(1):287-90.

Brewis, A. 2001. Gender conflict and co-operation in reproductive decision-making in Micronesia. Journal of the Polynesian Society 110(4): 391-400. Link.

Brewis, A., and D. Piñeda. 2001. Population variation in children’s behavioral symptomatology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 114(1): 54-60.<54::AID-AJPA1005>3.0.CO;2-1

Brewis, A., and S. Crismon.  2001. Kiribati. In Countries and their Cultures, edited by M. Ember and C. Ember.  Macmillan Reference USA, NY, pp. 1195-1201. Link.

Brewis, A., K. Schmidt, and M. Meyer.  2000. ADHD-type behavior and harmful dysfunction in childhood: A cross-cultural model. American Anthropologist 102(4):823-28.

Brewis, A., and S.T. McGarvey.  2000.  Body image, body size, and Samoan ecological and individual modernization. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 39(2):105-120.

Brewis, A. 1999.  Accuracy of attractive body judgment. Current Anthropology 40:548-53.

Brewis, A., S.T. McGarvey, and N. Tu`u`au-Potoi.  1998.  Structure of family planning in Samoa.  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 22(4)424-27.

Brewis, A., S.T. McGarvey, J.  Jones, and B.  Swinburn. 1997. Perceptions of body size in Pacific Islanders. International Journal of Obesity22:185-89.

Brewis, A., J. Laycock, and J. Huntsman.  1996.  Birth non-seasonality on the Pacific equator. Current Anthropology 37(5)842-51.

Underwood, J., and A. Brewis.  1996.  Coital rates, sex-selective infanticide and sex ratios at birth. Social Biology 43(1-2):134-35.

Brewis, A., P. Schoeffel-Meleisea, H. Mavoa, and K. Maconaghie.  1996. Gender and non-communicable disease in the Pacific. Pacific Health Dialog 3(1):107-112. Link.

Brewis, A., and K. Peddie. 1996. Hydatidiform mole pregnancy in Micronesian women. New Zealand Medical Journal, 9 February, 38-39. Link.

Brewis, A., G. Irwin, and J. Allen.  1995.  Patterns of colonisation and the “thrifty genotype” in Pacific prehistory.  Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 4:361-65. Link.

Brewis, A. and G. Regmi.  1995.  Post-partum amenorrhoea differentials in a rural Pacific island population. Perspectives in Human Biology 1:37-51.

Brewis, A., and C. Cambie. 1995. Anti-fertility plants in traditional Pacific medicine. Australasian Science 16(4):40-43. Link.

Brewis, A. 1995.  Fertility and analogy in Pacific prehistory. Asian Perspectives 34(1):1-20. Link.

Brewis, A., and J. Underwood. 1995. Sex ratios in Micronesia. Social Biology 41:280-82.

Brewis, A.  1994.  Reproductive ethnophysiology and contraceptive use in a rural Micronesian population.  Journal of the Polynesian Society103:53-74. Link.

Brewis, A.  1994.  Secondary sex ratios and patterns of sexual behavior: A test of James’ proposition.  In K. Campbell and J. Wood (eds), Human Reproductive Ecology: Interactions of Environment, Fertility, and Behavior.  Proceedings of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 703, pp. 225-6.

Brewis, A., and J. Allen.  1994.  Biological anthropological research in the Pacific. Journal of the Polynesian Society 103:7-10. Link.

Brewis, A.  1993.  Sex ratios at birth in a Micronesian atoll population. Social Biology 40:207-14.

Brewis, A.  1993.  Age and infertility in a Micronesian atoll population. Human Biology 65:593-609. Link.

Brewis, A.  1992.  Sexually transmitted disease risk in a Micronesian population.  Health Transition Review 2:195-213.Link.

Brewis, A., M. Molloy and D.Sutton. 1990.  Modeling the prehistoric Maori population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81:343-56.

Brewis, A.  1989.  Reconstructions of prehistoric fertility: The Maori case.  Man and Culture in Oceania 5:21-36.

Brewis, A.  1988.  Assessing infant mortality in prehistoric New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology 10:73-82.